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Does Medigap Cover Drugs

Discover the one drug covered by Medigap plans that saves Medicare beneficiaries millions of dollars per month.

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An estimated 1.5 million Medicare beneficiaries who used insulin in 2020 would have saved $27 million with the $35 monthly cap on insulin costs.  Learn about Medigap drug coverage. 

Medigap Drug Coverage FAQs

Medigap and Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

Since today’s Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans, do not include prescription drug coverage (except insulin ), you may need a separate Medicare Part D plan. If you delay purchasing a Part D drug plan, you could incur monthly late enrollment penalties.   

Future Medigap Drug Coverage

Effective in 2026 , Medicare will be able to negotiate the price directly with drug manufacturers on the following brand-name Part B (Medigap) and Part D drugs: 

  • Eliquis 

  • Jardiance 

  • Xarelto 

  • Januvia 

  • Farxiga 

  • Entresto 

  • Enbrel 

  • Imbruvica 

  • Stelara 

  • Fiasp; Fiasp FlexTouch; Fiasp PenFill; NovoLog; NovoLog FlexPen; NovoLog PenFill 

Furthermore, Medicare will select and negotiate costs on additional Part B and Part D drugs, including: 

  • 15 Part D drugs in 2025 

  • 15 Part B and Part D drugs in 2026 

  • 20 Part B and Part D drugs in 2027 

  • 20 Part B and Part D drugs in 2028 and every year after 

Medigap Plans That Cover Insulin Costs 

Effective January 1, 2023 , beneficiaries with Medicare Part B and a Medigap plan that pays Part B coinsurance now cover the $35 (or less) cost of insulin with an insulin pump .  Furthermore, you don’t have to pay the Part B deductible for insulin.   However, Part B does not cover insulin pens or insulin related supplies including:  

  • Syringes 

  • Needles 

  • Alcohol swabs 

  • Gauze 

All Medicare Supplement plans cover 100% of Part B coinsurance except Plan K (50%) and Plan L (75%).  To shop Medigap plans, call Senior Healthcare Direct at 1-833-463-3262 and speak with a licensed agent. You can also get a quote.  

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